Todays AOK tournament! Gillian will be creating an album, more pictures and videos to come! We had some first time competitors and they made us proud. Great job everyone!
Marley T-3, K-3 , S-3
Michelle W-3
Mason T-2, K-1, S-1
Jessie W-2, K-2, S-2
Albert W-3, O-2,S-2
Sophie K-3, T-3
Enzo S-3
Gideon T-1, K-1, S-TC
Ryder-Tough Competitor
Scott K-3, S-2
Jacob K-1, S-3
Donavan K-3, S-3
Sensei K-1, S-1
Amy M. K-1, K-3, T-3, S-2
Sarah - S-2
Israel K-3
Htoinuring K-3, S-1
Peter-Tough Competitor
Coaches- Aaron, Ryan, Gillian, Mr. Vargas